Schlagwort-Archive: Femtech

FemTech: The unseen market – Breaking the taboo (Updated)

FemTech: The unseen market – Breaking the taboo.
The one trillion dollar niche market.
What are the FemTech Marker drivers? #eHealth

Veröffentlicht unter Digitalisierung, Digitalization, eHealth, Entrepreneurship, Fundstücke/Likes, Gesundheitspraxis, Healthcare, Innovation, MedTech, mobile, Startup, Strategie, Trends | Verschlagwortet mit , | Kommentare deaktiviert für FemTech: The unseen market – Breaking the taboo (Updated)

Ovulation Cycle Observation with mobile AI App chances 3-5 times higher, US-patented

Help-Doctor’s app and wearable is the first revolutionary saliva ovulation test app that can multiply pregnancy chances 3-5 times compared to conventional ovulation tests. Help-Doctor’s app and wearable microscope is a Mini Microscope for Ovulation Cycle Observation (in size of … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter AI/KI, Apps & DiGAs, eHealth, Healthcare, MedTech, Startup | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , , | Kommentare deaktiviert für Ovulation Cycle Observation with mobile AI App chances 3-5 times higher, US-patented