„Roboter bitten zu Tisch / The Robot will serve you“ – by IoT and Hospitality

In the world of tomorrow, service robots and automated assistance systems will serve us just like human waiters used to do. But is the industry ready for the next technological revolution – IoT and hospitality?

This is my topic with illustrations within the current magazine www.smart-industry.net. See here.


Carry On, Jeeves! Robotise’s robo-valet Jeeves, named after the manservant in novels by P. G. Wodehouse, runs errands, serves drinks, and even delivers small gifts.

Dieser Beitrag wurde unter AI/KI, Bimpress-personal, Blog, Cleantech, Digitalisierung, Digitalization, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, IoT, Robotics, Startup, Trends, Unternehmertum abgelegt und mit , , verschlagwortet. Setze ein Lesezeichen auf den Permalink.