New Job Fair In Munich To Startups

As a new matchmaking format powered by werk1, “startup work” brings together startups and motivated job seekers in Munich for the second time.


For start-ups, recruiting is a critical issue when it comes to growth, development and building distribution channels. This is where we as werk1 would like to provide support and create a new matchmaking platform for start-ups and job seekers with Startup Work, in order to find suitable candidates for open positions in just one day.

Beginn: 21.03.2020 – 10:00 Uhr
Ende: 21.03.2020 – 17:00 Uhr
Ort: werk1
Apply an startup, see agenda:

For fair and marketing services, please contact us via or info(at)
See more events this month at New Work: Events in March 2020 – @bimpress1

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