A radical new mindset and approach are needed to drive transformative change in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. 10 action areas and 21 concrete projects were identified this month. See below:
The COVID Response Alliance for Social Entrepreneurs announced that today the Alliance launches its 2021 Roadmap, in support of social entrepreneurs on the frontlines of the crisis. It spotlights 10 areas in which it will collaborate in support of social entrepreneurs around the world.
The 2021 Roadmap outlines 10 action areas and 21 concrete projects through which the Alliance members will collaborate this year. EN has committed to add to the Roadmap by collaborating intensively on multiple topics, mostly on: Policy Change, with our peers at Catalyst2030 and the Schwab Foundation among others, to push the economy to become a social economy; Data and Infrastructure, with our colleagues at Impact Hub and SAP to investigate if social entrepreneurs across the world can seamlessly connect to the resources and decision makers in today’s world; Corporate Access, with Acumen, Ikea Social Entrepreneurship and Yunus Social Business among others, to work together to strengthen the case for social sourcing. Several EN members have committed their support to these actions, such as Social Enterprise NL, Groupe SOS and others.
The Alliance is a World Economic Forum initiative formed in April 2020 in partnership with global leaders in social entrepreneurship. It was clear that as the novel coronavirus advanced across the world with devastating effects, none of these organizations was in a position to respond to the magnitude of the crisis on their own. Nine months later, what started as a small group of collaborators has grown to include over 83 social enterprise leaders that represent more than 50,000 entrepreneurs, who jointly called on their peers to take action in support of social entrepreneurs everywhere in a shared Action Agenda.
More info and source: https://euclidnetwork.eu/2021/01/covid-response-alliance-for-social-entrepreneurs-to-launch-its-2021-roadmap-at-davos/